"Some mind boggling thoughts-Part 1 of a Long series"

hey all here are some mind boggling thoughts, few of them are written by me and the others are quoted text from some famous personalities over the globe. The ones with the M.S.P initials are my thoughts, read them and think about how true each and every thought is:

"You can't BUY LOVE, but still u PAY heavily for it".

"One who do not LOVE a girl before his marriage. he can not LOVE his Wife after his marriage". -Shakespeare.

"Success is like a cart following a bull, they follow the bull called Failure." -M.S.P

"Whenever there is a hard job to be done, I assign it to a Lazy man; He is sure to find an easy way of doing it." -Bill Gates.

"When two clouds called "Heart" collide they induce a storm called "Love." - M.S.P.

"Defeat is not when you fall down, It is when you refuse to get up." -The great Alexander.

"Life is full of surprises.
A life without surprises is like having tonnes of money but
Nothing to buy with it." -M.S.P.

"Past is an experience.
Present is an experiment and
Future is our expectations.
If we use our experience in our experiments,
We can yield fruits with our expectations." - M.S.P.

"YOU are the creator of your own destiny, so make yours." -M.S.P.

"Life is not a race to be chased or to chase.
It is a battle to be fought, in which you have to defeat the opponents called obstacles." -M.S.P.

Until Next time its your friend M.S.P saying adieu.


S R I R A M said...

"Success is like a cart following a bull, they follow the bull called Failure." Interesting. Then according to this success will never head failure!

S R I R A M said...

And I personally disagree 100% with Shakespeare's thought.

Unknown said...

"Not everyone is blessed with sucess all the time or at the first time, only one they face failure and lear from it and then only they can taste sucess."
That is what the thought means!!!!!!!!